Friday, December 18, 2015



For my Practicum I chose sincere morning and evening prayer every single day. To be honest I was very tempted to break the honor code and just submit my practicum from last semester due to the amount of stress and the inability to accomplish my homework this week. On top of that, while I did well on it last semester, it seemed to not have a lasting effect in my life and would like to give it another shot. Ultimately I choose the right thing to do and decided to focus my efforts not only on something new, but something I feel impressed to focus on.
Now while I regularly say my morning prayers in the morning and do family prayer at night; I have horribly gotten out of the habit of a personal prayer at night and my morning prayer are often not very well thought out due to the hustle of rushing to work. Add a dash of laziness, stress, depression, mourning, and a whole lot of exhaustion and you have a recipe of someone coming up with a lot of excuses and has been a bad example to his family. I would like to add that I also chose this because I want to work on becoming meeker in life and I think the best path to that beyond studying is spending time on my knees speaking to the one person who I should show meekness to the most.


We all have one thing in common and that we've missed being able to speaking to someone we hold dear. Regardless if it’s due to being in a long distance relationship, or maybe you've lost contact with a dear friend or family member for a countless amount of reasons, or worse yet have felt the sting of death in losing someone you love. We have all the felt the loneliness, the heartache, the absolute yearning to be near to our loved ones. We miss everything about them but most of all, we miss just being able to sit down and have a nice long conversation with them, even when it’s about nothing at all.
I would learn this all too well on March 16th of 2014 when my mom passed away from a five plus month struggle with her body shutting down due to liver failure.  During this struggle my communication with my mom evaporated from a daily occurrence of speaking to her one to three times a day to not being able to speak to her again until after I return home to where my soul originated from. At the beginning of the end my communication with her spot being a daily occurrence to that of maybe every couple of day to maybe three times a week. She started to sleep all day and seem so very tired when I spoke to her, she didn't care about anything I had to say. Then she became more and more incoherent with less and less times of lucidity. Eventually all she ever did was sleep and I would be lucky to get an “I love you too son” or “don’t worry about me, I’m not dying”. By the time she was in the ICU there wasn't much left to her while I tried frantically to get just one last conversation between her and I. That last conversation never happened.

I’m an only child and the closest I've ever been with another person here on earth has been the relationship with my mom, not too discredit the sacred union between my wife and I, because I am working on making that the closest relationship. No matter what though, through thick and thin, the good, bad, the ugly, and the worst of it all, I’ve always had my mom and I could almost always come to her and talk about anything and everything or even nothing at all. These days I always make sure to talk to my father every day and panic every time I don’t hear from him or can't reach him. I know there will come a time when he too will go home, but in the meantime I don’t want to lose out on any opportunity to talk to him, even if it’s the same thing we talk about almost every day.
Now if only I felt the same exact way about speaking to my Father in Heaven right now in my life. There is good reason why I don’t and I am going to let a quote by Bruce C. Hafen explain what the reason is.

With the veil comes a forgotten relationship with our Father that is a double edged sword. On one end that forgetfulness is a blessing in disguise because if we all remembered just how intimate our relationship was, then I doubt many of us would be able to bare the separation from Him. If the loss of a loved one is any sort of indication of what the separation feels like, then I for one am glad not to feel it at this time. This principle applies also to repentance and staying faithful to the Gospel in order to come back home to Him and all those who you’ve missed while here on earth. The other side of the sword comes the ease it can give you to turn your back on God. To forsake a relationship you remember having and not realizing just how deep, intimate, and sacred that relationship is. This is why prayer is so important.

While there is plenty to learn while here on earth, one of the few things you are never really learning is your relationship to your Father in Heaven. You can only remember it and have that relationship revealed to you as you slowly tear away at that veil. And that process is called Personal Revelation and prayer is an essential key in order to receive it. I will let Elder L. Lionel Kendrick explain the process in detail.

To add to this and a key in our relationship with our Father is being meek, Neal A. Maxwell said it best when he said the following.

I want to be taught, I want to have this relationship I know I already have if I can just remember it, cultivate it, and help it to grown into something more and all I need to do is have a daily conversation with my Father in Heaven, and mean it.

Action Plan:
My goal will be to increase my personal prayers to two plus daily, they being meaningful and given adequate time for communication.
I will keep a prayer journal documenting the number of personal prayers in day and any specifics spoken about or impressions given while in prayer or in response to prayer. IF there isn't any prayer in that day then the only thing that will be on that days page is the date, the rest will be blank as a symbol of what I lost out on.
I will measure my success or failure on a day by day basis, by the amount of blank pages versus those with something in them no matter how little. I will also measure out my success based off of my influence on my family and the growth or lack thereof in the relationship with my Father.

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