Friday, December 18, 2015

Mental Illness And The Test Of Job

In the book of Job contained in the Old Testament, God and Lucifer were discussing Jobs faithfulness and dedication. God knowing the outcome of course allowed Lucifer the ability physically torture Job. Because of this agreement between God and Lucifer to put Job through this test, he also lost his family, fortune, home, and even his friends when they accused him of sin. Job in the end persevered and not only recovered physically, but was handsomely rewarded for staying true during his ordeal.
However what if Job had been afflicted with any of the number of the inner demons of mental illness like depression or anxiety. Illnesses that effect the very way you think and perceive life? Could he have stayed true? Would he have been punished if he didn’t? Would he have had been given a retrieve from it if he failed this testing?
I completely believe not! Given the very hell mental illness is, I know a loving and merciful God who knows who we are beyond the illness will have already covered us through the Grace that is given to us from the Atonement. I know that we who suffer in this life will be given a warm and special welcome. We will finally be able to see clearly, feel warmth in a way we never have, and will certainly not lose our place or our “reward”.
I know this….Some days it’s the only thing that keeps my heart beating when I can’t even get out of bed. Our yokes however, will still be heavy, even with the Saviors help….unless we have help from those that love and care for us.
Hebrews 13:3
“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.”

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