Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Symbols In Your Life

There is something to be said about how easily and potent something like a picture, object, sound, smell, phrase, or song can bring back memories and remind you of things from the deepest parts of your brain. Take the above image for example. This is a picture of a beautiful rose that I had cut from one of my mom’s many rose bushes from her home. This was the first rose that bloomed after she died. Every time I see this picture I am reminded of this really hard time in my life, more importantly however is the symbolic meaning of the rose.

            For me since my mother died, roses have become a beacon of her memory, reminding me of her and her love whenever I see one because she adored them so. For her the rose reminded her of the beauty of life in sight, smell, and touch. I am thankful for having this symbolic gesture in my life because life is very busy, hectic, and often very chaotic and my mind often falls into the same flow. This is why symbols are so important for each and every one of us that have made covenants and yearn to return home to our Heavenly Father.

            Symbols have been used since the beginning to teach and to remind us of a variety of things in our lives. When you see the symbol of a giant yellow M, you think of Big Mac’s and McDonald’s restaurants. When you see the bat signal you know Gotham is being protected by Batman. Well for those who believe and worship God, the bat signal is tame in comparison of signs and symbols used to save us and allow us to return home.

            In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are always using symbols and tokens in our day to day lives for a variety of reasons ranging from reminding us of our Savior and His Atonement for us all, to symbols in the Temple used to teach us to become more like Him and have our minds expanded. We use these symbols to help us because we know how short-sighted we can be and that short-slightness can be used to lead us away.

These symbols as well as all others we see or come into contact with on a daily basis have a very big and scientifically proven impact on our minds all the way to the sub-conscious level. This is why is it extremely important to be wary of just what symbols and images you allow into your mind. Some symbols and images are used to manipulate and distort your mind into thinking certain ways and Satan is fully aware of how to use this to drive us away from God.

It is important to know what the symbols in your life mean and what they are used for. God understood the importance the symbols of our lives would be that He designed little “Easter-eggs” throughout creation and if you look hard enough, you can find them because the whole of creation testify that there is a God, that our Savior and redeemer Jesus the Christ is very real and is our light and life.

I would challenge those of you reading this to take a real good look at the symbols you see around you and what impact they are having on your mind and spirit. Are they doing you good or bad? Do you know what they really mean and just were they really came from? Below I would like to include a couple of articles I found handy on the subject.

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