Monday, January 25, 2016

Hey Buddy

Hey Buddy,

Being an ex-anti-Mormon I appreciate that you would come to me what you have found on the internet about humans becoming like God considering how shook up you are from it. Just remember what Abraham Lincoln said, “You can’t believe everything you see on the internet”. You know that was funny, and it is true.

Can I ask you a couple of favors, I want you to do and then ruminate on a couple of things:

1.      Remember that there is a reason why I joined the church after being far against it in the past and believing in everything negative thing I have ever heard about it (or every truth taken out of context).
2.      Go ask your dad if he would want you to be just like him someday. I bet you already know the answer, “I want you to do better then what I’ve done”. Doesn’t matter if you have heard it before, just go ask him. Ask him why and look right into his eyes. I bet you will see something special in his eyes when you ask.

3.      Ask your dad what it was like when you was little and you would mimic what he did or did things to be like him.

Now have you ever thought about why we call God “Heavenly Father”? Why every name for Him in the Old Testament is a variation of that title. I mean really think about it and not just the “Sunday School” answer.

He is your dad man, He gave you life and has been with you since the very beginning of your existence. He has been with you, proud of you in good times. He has been in tears with you in the bad. He only wants the very best for you and wants you to reach your full potential. He wants you to grow, learn, love, evolve, and like any father, he wants you to grow up to be like Him.
Being a father myself I feel like I might be lucky enough to have a tiny idea of what it’s like to be God in regard to His relationship with us, His children. I adore my girls and while they will always be my little girls, I become absolutely ecstatic every time they grow and learn something new. I hope, pray, and wish nothing but for them to take every good thing about me and become better people then I’ve been considering that I am far from perfect.

Remember when I asked you to look into your fathers eyes? Well what is inside of him is what is inside your Heavenly Father and it’s the same look He will give you one day. Being in families here on earth is to help teach and re-enforce what the order of Heaven really is, family. And as children in families grow into adults as their parents, we too naturally are able to grow into Godhood with Him, not to topple or attempt to be better than Him, but becoming like Him is the ultimate compliment to give, the pinnacle of your relationship with Him and the family you have been sealed with. Your father here on earth would never want anything less than the best for you, why would your very creator short change you and want anything less than perfection for you?
Don’t believe me? Ask you father, and your other Father.
Lastly I want to leave you with a simple quote from the talk “What is truth”:

…remember that in this age of information there are many who create doubt about anything and everything, at any time and every place.

You will find even those who still claim that they have evidence that the earth is flat, that the moon is a hologram, and that certain movie stars are really aliens from another planet. And it is always good to keep in mind, just because something is printed on paper, appears on the Internet, is frequently repeated, or has a powerful group of followers doesn’t make it true.

Sometimes untrue claims or information are presented in such a way that they appear quite credible. However, when you are confronted with information that is in conflict with the revealed word of God, remember that the blind men in the parable of the elephant would never be able to accurately describe the full truth.

Love you man,


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