Wednesday, July 22, 2015


If there is one thing that bothers me above all else in terms of mis-information about members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is hearing things such as “Mormons don't think for themselves”. Or the ever popular “Mormons are just blind followers of whatever their leaders tell them”.  One reason why it bothers me like it does is that I used to be one of those who wholeheartedly believed that the members were blindly lead sheep willing to do whatever they are told.

The problem with that is now that I've been a member for some time, I have seen anything but blind submissiveness, in fact I see a people who are more than willing to question things, but they do so in faith leading the search. Agency is actually the whole lynchpin of the Gospel. Without it there would be no need for it, for the Savior, or His Atonement. We are taught that we should seek the truth diligently, and if we doubt, we are to search prayerfully for an answer from God through the Holy Ghost. It is such an important concept to us that we believed in a war in Heaven before the world was that was over our ability to choose for ourselves. It is a big part of our doctrine, our church, religion, and our culture. We are not even close to the depictions of those that claim we  would hinder the ability for others to think and choose for themselves, and if you want proof, just STUDY (not just read) the Book of Mormon.

I am thankful for agency, that we teach and revere it so. I know that no matter what my future holds, that I will be the author of it for good or ill. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who trusts me enough to let me go off in this world to `make my own story that isn't pre-written. We may be destined for things, but all of them are great, and we always have a choice to reject them.

Wisdom from the Prophets and Apostles:

...obedient horse which is part of a well-trained team of horses needs little more than a gentle tug from the driver to do exactly what he wants it to do. This gentle tug is equivalent to the still, small voice with which the Lord speaks to us. Out of respect for our agency, it is never a strong, forceful tug.
Obedience through Our Faithfulness, By Elder L. Tom Perry, General Conference, 4/2014


...Men and women receive their agency as a gift from God, but their liberty and, in turn, their eternal happiness come from obedience to His laws. As Alma counseled his errant son Corianton, “Wickedness never was happiness” (Alma 41:10).
Obedience to Law Is Liberty, By Elder L. Tom Perry, General Conference, 4/2013


...We recognize that when God the Eternal Father presented His plan to us at the beginning of time, Satan wanted to alter the plan. He said he would redeem all mankind. Not one soul would be lost, and Satan was confident he could deliver on his proposal. But there was an unacceptable cost—the destruction of man’s agency, which was and is a gift given by God (see Moses 4:1–3). About this gift, President Harold B. Lee said, “Next to life itself, free agency is God’s greatest gift to mankind.”3 Then it was no small thing for Satan to disregard man’s agency. In fact, it became the principal issue over which the War in Heaven was fought. Victory in the War in Heaven was a victory for man’s agency.
Obedience to Law Is Liberty, By Elder L. Tom Perry, General Conference, 4/2013


But while the Atonement is meant to help us all become more like Christ, it is not meant to make us all the same. Sometimes we confuse differences in personality with sin. We can even make the mistake of thinking that because someone is different from us, it must mean they are not pleasing to God. This line of thinking leads some to believe that the Church wants to create every member from a single mold—that each one should look, feel, think, and behave like every other. This would contradict the genius of God, who created every man different from his brother, every son different from his father. Even identical twins are not identical in their personalities and spiritual identities. It also contradicts the intent and purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, which acknowledges and protects the moral agency—with all its far-reaching consequences—of each and every one of God’s children. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are united in our testimony of the restored gospel and our commitment to keep God’s commandments. But we are diverse in our cultural, social, and political preferences. The Church thrives when we take advantage of this diversity and encourage each other to develop and use our talents to lift and strengthen our fellow disciples.
Four Titles, By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, 4/2013


As we press forward along the strait and narrow path, we build progressive spiritual strength—strength in using our agency to act for ourselves. For both young men and young women, this growth is aided as they learn doctrine and share their testimonies through the new online curriculum, Come, Follow Me. In addition, use your agency to develop yourself personally. As you discover your gifts and talents, remember that parents and mentors may assist you, but you must let the Spirit guide you. Choose and act for yourself. Be...
Stand Strong in Holy Places, By Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, 4/2013


...We all participated in the councils of heaven that provided for moral agency, knowing that there would be mortal pain and even unspeakable tragedy because of the abuse of agency. We understood that this could leave us angry, bewildered, defenseless, and vulnerable. But we also knew that the Savior’s Atonement would overcome and compensate for all of the unfairness of mortal life and bring us peace. Elder Marion D. Hanks had a framed statement on his wall by Ugo Betti: “To believe in God is to know that all the rules will be fair, and that there will be wonderful surprises.”21
Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness, By Elder Quentin L. Cook, General Conference, 4/2013


Agency is essential to the plan of happiness. It allows for the love, sacrifice, personal growth, and experience necessary for our eternal progression. This agency also allows for all the pain and suffering we experience in mortality, even when caused by things we do not understand and the devastating evil choices of others. The very War in Heaven was waged over our moral agency and is essential to understanding the Savior’s earthly ministry.
Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness, By Elder Quentin L. Cook, General Conference, 4/2013


Agency is defined in the scriptures as “moral agency,” which means that we can choose between good and evil. The adversary seeks to tempt us to misuse our moral agency. The scriptures teach us “that every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment.”5
These Things I Know, By President Boyd K. Packer, General Conference, 4/2013


...We cannot force God’s children to choose the way to happiness. God cannot do that because of the agency He has given us. Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son love all of God’s children no matter what they choose to do or what they become. The Savior paid the price of all sins, no matter how heinous. Even though there must be justice, the opportunity for mercy is extended which will not rob justice.
To My Grandchildren, By President Henry B. Eyring, General Conference, 10/2013


In this Church that honors personal agency so strongly, that was restored by a young man who asked questions and sought answers, we respect those who honestly search for truth. It may break our hearts when their journey takes them away from the Church we love and the truth we have found, but we honor their right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, just as we claim that privilege for ourselves.5
Come, Join with Us, By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, 10/2013


As our understanding of obedience deepens, we recognize the essential role of agency. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times to His Father in Heaven, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”8 God would not override the Savior’s agency, yet He mercifully sent an angel to strengthen His Beloved Son.
“If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments”, By Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, 4/2014


When we came to the earth, we brought with us that great gift from God—even our agency. In thousands of ways we are privileged to choose for ourselves. Here we learn from the hard taskmaster of experience. We discern between good and evil. We differentiate as to the bitter and the sweet. We learn that decisions determine destiny.
Ponder the Path of Thy Feet, By President Thomas S. Monson, General Conference, 10/2014


As those around us make choices about how to respond to our beliefs, we must not forget that moral agency is an essential part of God’s plan for all His children. That eternal plan, presented to us in the premortal Council in Heaven, included the gift of agency.3 In that Grand Council, Lucifer, known as Satan, used his agency to oppose God’s plan. God said: “Because … Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, … I caused that he should be cast down.”4 He continued: “And also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency.”5 As a result, Heavenly Father’s spirit children who chose to reject His plan and follow Lucifer lost their divine destiny. Jesus Christ, using His agency, said: “Here am I, send me.”6 “Thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.”7 Jesus, who exercised His agency to sustain Heavenly Father’s plan, was identified and appointed by the Father as our Savior, foreordained to perform the atoning sacrifice for all. Similarly, our exercise of agency to keep the commandments enables us to fully understand who we are and receive all of the blessings our Heavenly Father has—including the opportunity to have a body, to progress, to experience joy, to have a family, and to inherit eternal life.
Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom, By Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, 4/2015


All of His commandments are given to make blessings available to us. Commandments are opportunities to exercise our agency and to receive blessings. Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness.
Grateful in Any Circumstances, By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, 4/2014


Using our agency to obey means choosing to “do what is right [and letting] the consequence follow.”11 It requires self-mastery and brings confidence, eternal happiness, and a sense of fulfillment to us and, by example, to those around us; and it always includes a deep personal commitment to sustain priesthood leaders and follow their teachings and counsel. “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments”, By Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, 4/2014

Because He respects your agency, Father in Heaven will never force you to pray to Him. But as you exercise that agency and include Him in every aspect of your daily life, your heart will begin to fill with peace, buoyant peace. That peace will focus an eternal light on your struggles. It will help you to manage those challenges from an eternal perspective.
Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority, By Elder Richard G. Scott, General Conference, 10/2014


Through Adam and Eve’s partaking of the forbidden fruit, knowledge of good and evil was introduced into the world. Their choice made it possible for each of us to come to this earth to be tried and tested.1 We are blessed with agency, which is our ability to make decisions and to become accountable for those decisions. The Fall made possible in our lives feelings of both happiness and sadness. We are able to understand peace because we feel turmoil.2
Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority, By Elder Richard G. Scott, General Conference, 10/2014


To those who believe anything or everything could be true, the declaration of objective, fixed, and universal truth feels like coercion—“I shouldn’t be forced to believe something is true that I don’t like.” But that does not change reality. Resenting the law of gravity won’t keep a person from falling if he steps off a cliff. The same is true for eternal law and justice. Freedom comes not from resisting it but from applying it. That is fundamental to God’s own power. If it were not for the reality of fixed and immutable truths, the gift of agency would be meaningless since we would never be able to foresee and intend the consequences of our actions. As Lehi...
Free Forever, to Act for Themselves, By Elder D. Todd Christofferson, General Conference, 10/2014


As we walk the path of spiritual liberty in these last days, we must understand that the faithful use of our agency depends upon our having religious freedom. We already know that Satan does not want this freedom to be ours. He attempted to destroy moral agency in heaven, and now on earth he is fiercely undermining, opposing, and spreading confusion about religious freedom—what it is and why it is essential to our spiritual life and our very salvation. Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom, By Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, 4/2015


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